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发布日期:2023-11-04 16:43浏览次数:
本文摘要:raise,rise,arise另有arouse这四个词是英语学习者常会混淆单词,小编现在举行辨析,分析给大家,希望对大家明白影象有所资助! 一.raise [reɪz]raise是及物动词,因此,后面要跟宾语,其自己的基础寄义是“使上升,让上升”。After that car accident, she couldn’t raise her arms above her shoulder anymore.车祸事后,她就再也无法将手臂举过肩膀的高度。


raise,rise,arise另有arouse这四个词是英语学习者常会混淆单词,小编现在举行辨析,分析给大家,希望对大家明白影象有所资助! 一.raise [reɪz]raise是及物动词,因此,后面要跟宾语,其自己的基础寄义是“使上升,让上升”。After that car accident, she couldn’t raise her arms above her shoulder anymore.车祸事后,她就再也无法将手臂举过肩膀的高度。

She raised the gun and fired.她举枪射击。He raised a hand in greeting.他扬起手表现问候。She raised her eyes from her work.她停下事情,抬起头看了看。raise也会衍生出许多其他的意思,如“建设”“养育”“提出(意见,问题)”“增加”和“提高(数量、水平等)”“抬高”“提到”“导致”等Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents.她从小怙恃就去世了,是祖怙恃把她抚育大的。

They were both raised in the South.他们俩都是在南方长大的。I was born and raised a city boy.我是个在都市里出生长大的男孩子。raise cattle/corn养牛;种植玉米They had raised the white flag in surrender.他们举白旗投降了。

He raised some doubts about this theory.他对这个理论提出了一些疑问。raise salaries/prices/taxes 提高薪水 / 价钱 / 税金They raised their offer to $500.他们将出价抬高到500元。I'll raise you another hundred dollars.我比你再加100元。

We were forced to raise the price.我们被迫提价。How can we raise standards in schools?我们怎样才气提高学校的水平?He set about raising an army .他着手组建一支队伍。The book raises many important questions .这本书提出了许多重要问题。

I'm glad you raised the subject of money.我很兴奋你提到了钱。The plans for the new development have raised angry protests from local residents.新的开发计划惹恰当地住民恼怒抗议。

It wasn't an easy audience but he raised a laugh with his joke.虽然这些观众很难逗乐,但他的笑话还是引起了一阵笑声。It had been a difficult day but she managed to raise a smile. 只管这一天很不顺利,但她还是努力露出笑容。The horses' hooves raised a cloud of dust.马蹄翻飞,扬起一片灰尘。

raise a blockade/a ban/an embargo/a siege 排除封锁 / 禁令 / 禁运 / 困绕(通过无线电或电话)与…取得联系,和…通话 to contact sb and speak to them by radio or telephoneWe managed to raise him on his mobile phone.我们打他的移动电话,总算找到了他。raise sth to sb/sth(为…)制作,树立(塑像等) The town raised a memorial to those killed in the war.这座小镇为战争中牺牲的人树立了一座纪念碑。

raise your glass (to sb)碰杯祝酒 raise the roof(在屋内)高声喧闹,闹翻天 raise sb's spirits使振奋;使兴起勇气 raise/lower one’s sights提高 / 降低要求;眼光变高 / 变低 二.rise [raɪz]上升;攀升;提高;到达较高水平(或位置);起床;起立;站起来;升起; 已往式: rose 已往分词: risenrise是不及物动词,因今后面并不需要跟事物,许多时候,其意思是“自己上升,自己起来”。表现人或物从低处向高处上升用rise:She rose from the chair.她从椅子上站起来。

The helicopter rose into the air.直升机升上了天空。亦表现数字上升或数量增加:Costs are always rising.用度总是不停地增加。Black dense smoke rose up.浓浓的黑烟升起。Tony had risen early and gone to the cottage to work.托尼很早就起往复小屋干活了。

He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.他想在太阳升起以前翻过山脊。The sun rises in the east every day.太阳天天从东边升起。反义词: set有时候也会用于表达”音量“”职位“等非实物的提升a rising young politician崭露头角的年轻政治家She rose to power in the 70s.她于20世纪70年月掌握了大权。

He rose to the rank of general.他升至将级军官。She rose through the ranks to become managing director.她从普通员工逐步提升为总司理。My spirits rise whenever I think of my friends.一想到朋侪们,我的心情就会好起来。

Smoke was rising from the chimney.烟从烟囱里升起。The river has risen (by) several metres.河水上升了好几米。He was accustomed to rising early.他习惯于早起。

They rose from the table.他们从餐桌旁站起身。She rose to her feet.她站起身来。rise and shine(通常用来敦促起床) Amy felt the colour rising in her cheeks at the thought.埃米一想到这件事,就以为酡颜。

The building rose before him, tall and stately.那座高峻雄伟的修建耸立在他眼前。She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation她是一个铁娘子,已经升至一个性别歧视意识根深蒂固的组织的最高层。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure 体内胆碱水平过低会引起高血压。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》The number of business failures has risen 企业倒闭的数量增加了。

《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》三.arise [əˈraɪz] 发生;发生;泛起;(由…)引起;(因…)发生;生长arise也同样是不及物动词,很少用于位置上升的意思,一般会解释为“起因于,发生”。已往式: arose 已往分词: arisenShould the opportunity arise, I'd love to go to China.要是有时机的话,我很想去中国。注意,arise虽然有时会于表达起床、站起,例如:We arose early on Christmas morning.圣诞节早晨,我们早早地起了床。

He arose at dawn.他黎明即起。He arose at 6:30 a.m. as usual. 同往常一样,他在早上6:30起了床。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》Arise, Sir William. 起立,威廉爵士。

《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》When I arose from the chair, my father and Eleanor's father were in deepconversation 当我从椅子上站起来时,我父亲和埃莉诺的父亲谈兴正浓。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》但其他情况基本都不会表达升起的意思了,所以其他情况用rise 或者 arise比力适合。A new crisis has arisen.新危机已经泛起。

We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.如有任何变化,我们随时通知他们。injuries arising out of a road accident门路交通事故造成的伤害Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。

Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting?上次集会记载方面有无尚待解决的事项?The charges arise out of a long-running fraud enquiry by Merseyside police.这些指控是默西赛德郡警方对诈骗案举行恒久观察后提出的。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》No mistakes could arise. 不会出差错。

《汉英大词典》Only a finite number of situations can arise 只有有限的几种情况可能会发生。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》In a good marriage, both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise 完满的婚姻中,伉俪双方会配合努力去解决泛起的任何问题。

《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.外交部泛起了危机。complications/differences/issues/opportunities/problems/questions arise(名词)泛起贫苦/分歧/议题/时机/难题/问题四.arouse [əˈraʊz] 激起,引起(情感、态度);激起x欲;使行动起来;引发;已往式: aroused 已往分词: aroused(指引起某种情感、态度等。)arouse是及物动词,其自己主要用于表达“唤起,激起”,一般用于形容情绪无实体的工具,例如:食欲、饿感、感受、意识、X欲、本能等.It's a subject that has aroused a lot of interest.这个话题引起了许多人的兴趣。

arouse sb's interest/curiosity/anger 引起某人的兴趣 / 好奇心 / 怒气He aroused her mothering instincts. 他引发了她母性的本能。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions.她的离奇行为引起了我们的怀疑。

We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion.我们在白昼脱离以制止引起怀疑。There is nothing like a long walk to arouse the appetite...没有什么比走很长的路更能激起食欲的了。Some men are aroused when their partner says erotic words to them.有些男子在X朋友对他们说撩人情话时会被激起X欲。

About two o'clock, we were aroused from our sleep by a knocking at the door.约莫两点时,我们被一通敲门声叫醒。He apologized, saying this subject always aroused him. 他致歉说这个话题总是会让他生气。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule. 谬妄的错误和离奇的服装常会引起人们的讪笑。《汉英大词典》The Treaty has failed to arouse genuine public outrage. 该协定并未真正激起众怒。

《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》Their sufferings aroused our sympathy.他们的痛苦引起了我们的同情。It may arouse his interest in these subjects.这也许会引起他对这些学科的兴趣。Don't do anything to arouse suspicion. 瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠。




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